City of London Police Hat Badges:
Due to
the fact that the majority of the earlier City of London constables wore
only a helmet there are very few of the regular rank City of London Police
George VI hat badges in existence. The ones that are in existence seem to
fetch a very good price. (Fig. 18)

proper City of London badge is voided and there have been several non-voided
version, which have been passed off by dealers as genuine. (Fig. 19)

brass voided badge with an EIIR crown was made in 1952. (Fig. 20)

current EIIR version City of London Police hat badge is voided but is
anodized metal (stay
brite) (Fig. 21)

George VI Senior Officer’s two-piece gold voided badge with a blue enamel
ring was issued for wear by the Inspector’s and above. (Fig. 22)

current EIIR Senior Officer’s two piece gold voided badge with a blue enamel
ring was issued in a anodized metal (Stay
(Fig. 23)

EIIR black voided badge was issued for wear by the Tactical Firearms
Group (TFG) for wear on their black beret. This badge is the same as the
current constable badge but is baked black. (Fig. 24)

standard Officer rank hat badge on a black plastic or metal half-oval
backing plate was worn on some motorcycle helmets in the early
1980’s. The same style badge was issued to the Mounted Officers in
the 1990’s.
have been two styles of transfers worn on the City of London Police
Motorcycle helmets. One is a colored version of the Officer’s hat badge
and the other a reduced version of the City of London Police door decal as
seen on the City Police cars. (Fig. 25)

City of London Police Reserve:
During the First World War, many City Police Officers volunteered for the
armed forces and the City of London Police Reserve, consisting largely of
Special Constables, assisted those that remained in their duties. During
World War two, the City Police were once again assisted in their duties by
the Police Reserve, by the Special Constables and in addition a force of War
reserves who were men over the age of 25 who wished to serve in the Police
rather than the armed forces.
There were three styles of “Button Badges” issued to the City of London
Police Reserve during the war years. The red enamel version was issued to
the Reserve Constables, the blue enamel version was issued to the Reserve
Sergeants and the white enamel version was issued to the Reserve Inspectors.
(Fig. 26)

Bullion hat badges were issued to the senior officers in the City of London
Police Reserve (Reserve Inspectors to Divisional Commanders) (Fig.26A)

City of London Police Commissioner during the war years wore a distinctive
bullion cloth woven hat badge. An example of this badge was worn and is also
(Fig. 26B)